
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Olympic Fever

How have I stayed away from writing with so much going on in the world and my life?  I guess I have just answered the question.  The Beijing Olympics kept us glued to the television set for what seemed like a month.  I never thought I would be riveted by a big swim meet, but who knew those races could be so, so exciting.  China was just a great big stereotypical picture postcard thanks to NBC.  Nothing about Darfur, no repercussions for underage gymnasts (wasn't one missing a baby tooth???), and forget about them telling a little 7 year old girl that she wasn't pretty enough to be on stage, but her voice was.  That pretty much did it for me.  The real gold medals should go to the architects of the "water cube" and "the bird's nest."  I have no idea whether the structures worked for the participants/attendees, but they were beautiful on the television screen and left me wondering why all stadia are as fabulous looking.  Hmmm...maybe it takes a lot of virtually slave labor?

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