
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Back to Blogging Due to Flu

It is a wonder that anyone can keep up a diary/blog. You have to give a hand to Samuel Pepys A lot of what we know about his time period is because of his meticulously detailed diaries.

I'm back, but mostly because I now have been felled by H1N1, formerly called "swine" flu. I realized the last time I had flu was before I was married in 1975, so as I said on facebook, that means I should be good until I am 93.

Why do I feel that Congress is fiddling while we all burn? They are dithering about a healthcare bill, while people who could have been vaccinated if Congress had appropriated enough money for vaccine or getting terribly sick and some are dying. (Note: I am not dying of the flu.) I honestly don't care if we spend money on making vaccine (someone will have a job) and some people don't get vaccinated (I wish they would, but I do not support forcing vaccinations). It is unforgivable that preventable disease is occurring. Vaccination is one of the few absolute ways to stop contagious diseases. Anyone who wants to be vaccinated should receive the vaccine. Period.

I'm tired now and need to get back to Day 4 of my flu. More later.

Onward and upward