
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

This and that...

Living in New England we are right in the thick of primary madness. This is the first time I have EVER not known who I will vote for in the presidential primary. My 95 year old grandmother is a great Hillary supporter. An 82 year old gentleman I know also supports Hillary because "we will get two for the price of one." Bill Clinton certainly looms large. I have already said that I have Clinton fatigue, but I keep asking myself who has the most experience? Clinton or Obama? Obama is a wonderful speaker. He appeals to the idealists (the young). This is a good thing, no doubt, but he doesn't have the gravitas I want. There have been some rookie mistakes that worry me too. We must have a change, I know that. If only I had a working crystal ball. The fact is that no Democrat will ever be as bad as what we have now. How frustrating to feel helpless.

Today I heard an interview with Peter Galbraith who advised that we go to war with Iraq partially because of the genocide Saddam Hussein was perpetrating. Guess what? Mr. Galbraith now says it was a terrible mistake because of the poor planning on the part of the military (Bush administration) and we are now in an endless war. Gee. Who could have guessed this would happen. I think Mr. G's new book is something about the law of unintended consequences. I predicted this mess and I'm not an historian or middle-east scholar. What I can't see is how to get out without leaving things in a worse mess. The crystal ball is indeed cloudy.

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