
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Is it Summer Yet?

Rain, rain, rain. It has been raining almost every day since June (or maybe May). July has been declared the rainiest July ever and the weather reports say whatever you have had in July will continue in August. Depressing.

I have been busy with the Chelmsford Farmers' Market So far we have been lucky and the clouds have parted for us from 2-6 pm.

What else is on my mind. Lots. Too much. Will a health care bill finally pass? Will we have universal coverage in some form or another? I'm sick of waiting. The naysayers have had my whole life time to have it their way and it didn't work. It is time for a change.

What is really rich is hearing the right attack Obama for the economy, the war, the whatever. W had 96 months to crash everything and anyone who disagreed with him was virtually labeled anti-America. Now Obama is in office for 6 months and they are saying he is a failure for not fixing every thing and there are the nutcase "birthers" trying to "swift boat" him.

Listen up everyone, W and company drove the bus into a very deep ditch and getting it out isn't going to be easy or quick.

More later.

1 comment:

Marry said...

I hate when it rains especially on Sundays, I personally don't wanna do anything related to my life.